Home room Guidance

Let's Try ThisSuggested Time Allotment: 15 minutes

Read and copy on a sheet of paper the phrases that you can identify as yourreasons for studying. Feel free to add other reasons that are not included in the table. Answer the processing questions on the same paper as well.

1. What do you notice with your answers?

2. Will your answers be the same answers with or without pandemic?

3.Why do you need to have a reason to study?​

Home Room GuidanceLets Try ThisSuggested Time Allotment 15 Minutes Read And Copy On A Sheet Of Paper The Phrases That You Can Identify As Yourreasons For Studyi class=

Sagot :


1. Some of the other reasons in the chart are the same as my reason.

2. I'm not so sure because with the pandemic present it is harder for us to learn. Some doesn't learn and just answer the task so that we will able to pass something. To achieve decent grades. Out of fear that our parents will be dissapointed.

3. It varies to different person but the sole reason on why I study is that I don't want to be an embarrassment to my family. This reason outweighs my other reason like for me to be successful in the future.

I hope this is helpful.