21. In the convergence of two continental plates, why is it that there's no trench, no volcano and no island arc formation?​

Sagot :


When two continental plates collide neither plate can be subducted due to their high bouyancy. With this type of collision there are no features such as a subduction zone, trench or acretionary wedge. The collision of two continental plates occurs when a sea becomes narrower until both plates collide. After collision the oceanic lithosphere breaks off and sinks into the mantle. The subduction zone eventually becomes inactive The two continents become welded together as they are compressed together over time. The crust is thickened by the underthrusting of one continent under the other. These regions have both shallow focus earthquakes and deep focus earthquakes as the oceanic lithosphere is subducted under the mounatin range. Thrust faults and highly metamorphised granites are common charcteristics of these collision zones. The most well known example of this collision zone is the Himalayas where India has collided with Asia.