B. Answering the following questions

1. How do you factor polynomials? Discuss the mathematics concepts and
principles applied when factoring polynomials.

2. what new realizations do you have about factoring polynomials? how would you connect this to real life? how would you use this in making decission?

Sagot :


1. Factoring is an important process that helps us understand more about our equations. Through factoring, we rewrite our polynomials in a simpler form, and when we apply the principles of factoring to equations, we yield a lot of useful information. There are a lot of different factoring techniques

2.The purpose of factoring such functions is to then be able to solve equations of polynomials. For example, the solution to x^2 + 5x + 4 = 0 are the roots of x^2 + 5x + 4, namely, -1 and -4. Being able to find the roots of such polynomials is basic to solving problems in science classes in the following 2 to 3 years.