7. It is an element of the news which states that topics that are current are good news.
A. Human Interest
B. Prominence
C. Conclusion
D. Timing

8. This catches the reader's attention. This refers to_____
A. Headline
B. Body
C. Conclusion
D. Details

9. What element of news wherein if an event is happening nearby, it will impact the audience more than if it were happening somewhere else that doesn't affect them as much - say, in another state or another country?
A. Proximity
B. Prominence
C. Timeliness
D. Impact

10. A strong lead containing 5 W's and H which means _____
A. Who, What, When, Where, Why and How
B. Who, What's up, When, Where, Why and However
C. Whomever, What, When, Where, Why and How
D. Whomever, Whatever,Whenever, Whereveng, Why and How

11. It restate the main and gives one or two general statements that exactly summarize the arguments and support the main premise.
A. Introduction
B. Body
C. Conclusion
D. Arguments

12. The following are key conponents of a good news story EXCEPT ____.
A. attention headline
B. strong lead
C. real facts
D. breakdown of plans

13. It is paragraph of a news article.
A. Banner
B. Headline
C. Lead
D. Summary

14. This speech is written to convince the listener of the validity of the speaker's argument.
A. Argument Speech
B. Descriptive Speech
C. Informative Speech
D. Persuative Speech

15. Venn Diagram
A. It emphasizes the connection between the different concepts.
B. It is known as a general organizer or textual aid that can show the central thought with its matching characteristics.
C. It is used to identify, classify, categorize and recognize similarities and diferences of two or more subject, ideas, thoughts pr concept.
D. It is a sequence chart that shows series of events in order.

16. It focuses on generating meaning on what has been heard.
A. Receiving Stage
B. Evaluating Stage
C. Understanding Stage
D. Responding Stage

17. It refers to actual hearing process.
A. Receiving Stage
B. Evaluating Stage
C. Understanding Stage
D. Responding Stage

18. is a personal stage for the listener allowing his/her to integrate in hin/herself the information heard.
A. Receiving Stage
B. Responding Stage
C. Evaluating Stage
D. Remembering Stage

19. It requires both the listener and the speaker to meet in between regarding the points portrayed in the listening process.
A. Receiving Stage
B. Reponding Stage
C. Evaluating Stage
D. Remembering Stage

20. It allows the listeners to provide verbal and/or non-verbal feedback and responses based on the listening contexts.
A. Receiving Stage
B. Responding Stage
C. Evaluating Stage
D. Remembering Stage

21. It deals with one's ability to carefully listen, examine messages and provide significant feedback or response.
A. Evaluative Listening
B. Responding Listening
C. Analytical Listening
D. Creative Listening

22. It is one of the most underrated macro skill.
A. Evaluative Skil
B. Speaking Skill
C. Writing Skill
D. Problem-solving Skill

23. Analytical listening is also called us _____.
A. Creative Listening
B. Effective Listening
C. Assetive Listening
D. Active Listening

24. The following are the steps in solving a problem except _____.
A. Introduce the problem
B. Generate alternative solution
C. Evaluate and select an alternative
D. Implement and follow up on the solution

25. It is the part essay that introduces the problem and gives the background information.
A. Body
B. Conclution
C. Introduction
D. Supporting details​

Sagot :

Answer: sorry i can't explaine  it too much but in the good side i know the correct answer

7 human interest- because that is the current of good news

8 details-- because details are the element  that fucos the reader's to read

9 timeliness

10 a- because that's the main question of people who trying to get inform in it

11 body

12 d - because it does'nt make sense if you are doing that

13 d

14 d


16 c

17 d






23 a

24 b

25 d

that question is in my grade7 module but i'm grade 8 now and i'm still remember it.

[pa brainleast]
