6. Which connection is used when you are giving your insights about a certain issue ? *
A. Text-to-text connection B. Text-to-world connection C. Text-to-self connection D. Text-to-other connection
7. “What I have read in my news feed is somewhat related to my life , ” which connection is used in this statement ? *
A. Text-to-text connection B. Text-to-self connection C. Text-to-other connection D. Text-to-world connection
8. In your learning task, your are ask to give your personal experience to your community and to the world by completing the given table.. If you are the pupil, which one will be the guide question for you to answer it? *
A. How this text similar to other books? B. How this text relate to my life? C. How the information connects to other familiar text? D. How the information gathered by the author?
9. All of the following statement is a text-to-world connection EXCEPT for one. Which one does not belong? *
A. “This is true.. I already experience that.” B. “New normal is happening everywhere.” C. “Face mask is needed before you enter in any of the establishment.” D. “ Health protocols are required to follow globally.”
10. Why making connections are important in reading or viewing? *
A. It help to comprehend texts, passages and videos easily. B. It does not help. C. It help to ignore some unrelated statement . D. It help to carry the burden and felt uneasy in relating your self to the text given.