Directions: : Chose your answer from the word pool.
1. Treats persons with cardiac problems.
2. Treats persons with urinary kidney disorder.
3. Treats persons with dental problems.
4. Treats persons with problems in the skin.
5. Rehabilitates persons with strength mobility and other muscular disorder.
6. At birth, Baby Mica must already have her own medical specialist to monitor
her growth and development. Who should her parents consult?
7. While playing, Jerome accidentally hit his head on the floor due to a bad fall.
He was unconscious and was rushed to the hospital where it was found that he
suffered a blood clot in a part of his brain. Who should attend to him?
8. Myrna is a week pregnant and must consult a medical professional already.
What kind of doctor Should she seek?
9. They treat the cardio-pulmonary system.
10. A qualified person who delivers proper health care in a systematic professional
way to any individual in need of health care services.