Activity I. TRUE or FALSE (10 points) Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is true otherwise write FALSE. 1. Proper storage of food is very crucial in keeping food safe because the manner and temperature of storage will affect the food's susceptibility to bacterial growth, other contaminants, and infestation. 2. Wet noodles have a long storage life when properly packaged. _3. Dried pasta can be stored indefinitely and still be safe to eat but the USDA recommends storing dried pasta for no more than two years to obtain the best quality. 4. Cooked lasagna and baked past a dishes can be refrigerated or frozen in the same manner as plain cooked pasta. 5. Fresh pasta should ideally be used on the same day as manufactured. 6. Fresh pasta can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 or 3 days. If the pasta will not be used within that time, it can be frozen and stored in the freezer for 6 to 7 months. _7. FIFO stans for First In Fight Out. 8. Some manufacturers will stamp their packages with a "best if used by" date, which indicates that the flavor, color and nutritional value may be affected if used beyond that date. 29. Storing food will not improve its quality, it will only delay the rate of deterioration, and thus, the proper period of storage should also be observed. _10. If storing sauced pasta, eat within 3 to 4 days to prevent it from absorbing too much sauce.