Create a sentence outline of this paragraph what is motion?

Sagot :


Motion is a change with time of the position or orientation of the body. In short answer, Motion is a change of location of an object with respect to time


I. What is Motion?

A. is the phenomenon in which an object changes its position. Motion is mathematically described in terms of displacement, distance, velocity, acceleration, speed, and time.

B. Change with time of the position or orientation of a body.

II. Is motion related to force?

A. Force and motion are deeply interconnected with each other. What force can do is produce motion in an object or body.

B. An object is moving and we can say that a force is acting or must have been acted upon to cause the state of motion.

III. How do we feel Motion?

A. is sensed by the brain through different pathways of the nervous system including the inner ear, the eyes, and the tissues of the body surface.

B. When the body is moved intentionally, for example when walking, the input from all of the pathways are coordinated by our brain.


Correct me if I'm wrong