Directions: Complete the following sentences with the missing word by combining the root word in the parentheses and the approprate suffix Exemple: tissue of entry via for foreign nationals are tempore suspended and all previously issued visas are cancelled. Answer: Issuance 1. All government offices, Ins enforce agencies and local government units (LGUs are directed to mobilize all necessary resources to curtail and eliminate the spread of COVID-19. 2 Returning Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW), whether sea-based or land-based, will be subjected to a mandatory 14-day facility quarantine upon (artve) in the Philippines 3. On agriculture, the full opening of the sector is strong suggested to ensure sufficient food supply during the coronavirus crisis 4. Household consumption is expected to shrink as Iconsume confidence dips. 5. NEDA also highlighted the necessity to support essential goods (produce)a​