Complete the statements using the correct words given in the box. Write your answer on the
blank provided for every number.

Forecasting Participatory Planning Trigger point
Benchmarking Certainty Conditions
Decision-making Structured or programmed decision
Risk or uncertainty decision
Unstructured or nonprogrammed decisions
Scenario Planning Contingency Plans

1. Is a process which begins with problem identification and ends with the
evaluation of implemented solutions.
2. Is an attempt to predict what may happen in the future.
3. Is another planning technique that generally involves external
comparisons of a company's practices and technologies with those of other companies.
4. Change in an attribute, condition, factor, parameter or value that
represents crossing a threshold and actuates or initiates a mechanism or reaction that may
lead to a radically different state of affairs.
5. It is a type of decision making conditions that is ideal in conditions in
deciding problems; these are situations in which a manager can make precise decisions
because the results of all alternatives are known.
6. It is a type of decision that is repetitive and can be handles using a routine
7. It is a type of decision that is applied to the resolution of problems that
are new or unusual and for which information is incomplete.
_8. It is planning for future states of affairs is a long-term version of
contingency planning.
9. It is a planning techniques and tools that offer alternative courses of
action when the unexpected happens or when things go wrong.​