|. MULTIPLE CHOICE. choose the correct answer from the given choices and encircle the letter that corresponds to your answer.
1. what will happen if five paired forces are acted on an object? Each pair is equal and opposite in direction.
a.there will be no motion. b.there is an equal motion. c.there is an opposite motion. d. all answer are correct.
2. these are the characteristic of action-reaction pair of force, EXCEPT:
a. equal in magnitude. b. acting simultaneously. c. acting in the same direction. d. acting on two different bodies.
3. which of the following laws of motion states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction with the same momentum and the opposite velocity
a. law of inertia b. law of motion c. law of interaction d. hello of acceleration
4. what does the second law of motion say about the relationship between force, mass, and acceleration?
a. force is equal to mass divided by acceleration (F = m/a). b. acceleration is equal to force multiplied by the mass (a=FMA). c. Force is equal to mass multiplied by the object's acceleration (m=Fa).
5. if you kicked a ball in space, it won't keep going forever, because there is no gravity, friction or air resistance going against it. it will only stop going in one direction if it heats something like a meteorite are witches the gravity field of another planet. this is an example of______
a.1st law of motion b.2nd law of motion c. 3rd law of motion d. 4th law of motion