II.A.Directions: Choose the letter that shows the connotative meaning of the
underlined words.
1. Mara is feeling blue.
A.a primary color B. sad
2. They chikened out when the fight was about to start.
A. Coward B. an animal the produces eggs
3. There is no place like home.
A.a building where we live B. a family
4.Candy should stop being childish.
A.a child B.immature or child-like
5.That woman is a dove by heart
A. gentle person B.a white bird

B.Directions: Read the sentences and choose the word that will fit in the shown
6. Ring is to finger as bracelet is to ___________.
A. Arm B.wrist C.neck D.leg
7.Island is to land as lake is to ______________.
A.mineral B.tree C.water D.coral
8.Milk is to cow as eggs is to ________________.
A.chicken B.pig C.carabao D,sheep
9.Week is to day as year is to _______________.
A.hour B.minute C.month D.decade
10.Bed is to bedroom as stove is to ___________.
A.living room B.bathroom C.dining room D.kitchen
Maam Mariella luz Tonido ( ENGLISH/ESP)
Ma'am Mariella Luz Tonido
III.Directions:,Read and understand the sentences in column A. Identify the
meaning of underlined words by choosing the meaning from the column B.

1. John needs to remind Rico about the test
2. The answer to the test are now viewable
3. Rainbows are colorful
4. Repeating the show will be pointless
5. She is very unlucky when it comes to raffle draws
6. Dr.Jose Rizal’s writing were all impactful
7. Our Science projects is doable
8. The runner has misjudge the distance
9. The doctor said that malnutrition is the cause of pablo’s sickness
10. Mother got angry when our favorite dish, Adobo, got overcooked.

a. to tell again
b. to forget
c.without point
d.not lucky
e.can be seen
f.cannot be seen
g.full of colors
h.wrongly judged
I.can be done
j.full of effect
k.cooked excessively
L.bad nutrition
srry po kung madami po