This study looks into the financial management practices of School Heads of Elementary Schools in the Second Congressional District of Division of Quezon. Using a survey questionnaire, the researcher assessed the school heads' practices in relation to legislation and policies, values and principles, authority and accountability, roles and responsibilities, financial management processes of Department of Education, the enablers, and the financial management results. An interview was conducted for the qualitative data since the study use the mixed method as research design. It involves participation from selected school heads, public school district supervisors, and administrative assistants of the accounting section. The research includes Circulars, Orders, memorandum and issuances, and Republic Act as foundation of the financial management system of the department. A financial management development program for school heads, feedback to aid the planning and implementation of the division, implications and proposal for the division office are the output of the research. The findings shown that majority of the respondents are female which has significant difference in the Financial Management Practices of the school heads. School heads has posted a strong agreement on the statements with regards to their practices. It is recommended that there is close monitoring and supervision on the financial management practices of the school heads and pursue continuing professional development inclusive of trainings in relation to Finance and Accounting. Keywords: Financial management, Financial management practices. School Heads. Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses. MOOE. Department of Education. Elementary School.

1. What is the problem of the study?

2. What is/are the research design/s used in the study?

3.What is/are the research instrument/s used in the study?

4. Who are the respondents of the study?

5. What is/are the findings of the study?

6. what is the recommendation of the study?

7. what do you think is the purpose of the abstract?​