Sagot :
1. Skull
2. Supraorbital notch (frontal bone)
3. Zygomatic bone
4. Manubrium
5. Coracoid process
6. Glenohumeral head
7. Humerus
8. Sternum
9. Ribs
10. Medial epicondyle
11. Head of radius
12. Radial tuberosity
13. Ilium
14. Iliac crest
15. Anterior Superior Iliac spine
16. Femoral head
17. Obturator foramen
18. Ischium
19. Pubic symphysis
20. Tibial tuberosity
21. Medial malleolus
22. Parietal bone
23. Temporal bone
24. Maxilla
25. Mandible
26. Clavicle
27. Acromion
28. Subscapular fossa
29. Greater tubercle
30. Lesser tubercle
31. Costal cartilage
32. Xiphiod process
33. Deltiod tuberosity
34. Lumbar vertebrae
35. Radial tuberosity
36. Wing of ilium
37. Sacrum
38. Coccyx
39. Distal radius
40. Carpal bones (Lunate)
41. Metacarpal bone
42. Greater trochanter
43. Lesser trochanter
44. Femur
45. Patella
46. Head of fibula
47 tibial sha
48. Fibular shaft
49. Lateral malleolus
51. Metatarsals
52. Distal Phalange of 1st toe
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