V Explore Answer the following questions based on the background of the study in the previous part of the module *Which paragraph tells you what dengue is? *Which paragraph tells you the status of the problem internationally? * Which paragraph tells you the status of the problem in the Philippines? "*Which paragraph tells you the status of the problem in Eastern Visayas? .*Which paragraph tells you the status of the problem in Alangalang Leyte? 6 *Which paragraph tells you the efforts done to solve the problem? 7 Which paragraph introduces the variable dengue knowledge? 8 Which paragraph tells you the relationship between dengue knowledge and dengue prevention? 9. Which paragraph gives a conclusion based on studies conducted regarding dengue? 10 Which paragraph tells you the general objective of the study? 11 Which paragraph tells you the research gap? 12 What is the research gap? 13 What is the general objective of the study?