ENRICHMENT ACTIVITY 1 A. Underline the prepositional phrase in each sentence. 1. In Baguio, we stayed at Villa La Maja, a hotel and restaurant at the heart of the city. 2. It is an old house in its old Spanish architectural style transformed into a modern but cozy hotel. 3. The classical paintings on the wall depict a happy French family during the Victoria an Era. 4 Most of the furniture was old fashioned masterworks in their very intricate de- signs. 5. The receptionist on duty was very cheerful and accommodating. B. Box the participial phrase in the following sentence. 1. The books donated by the city officials are now used in the library. 2. Having been edited by an in Chouse editor, the author still carefully read all the manuscripts several times. 3. The torn pages of the book were misplaced somewhere. 4. The diskette containing all the precautionary measures during earthquake was given to the Safety and Disaster Council. 5. During the flag ceremony, the winning class of Mrs. Lopez received a plaque of recognition C. Encircle the gerund phrase in each sentence. 1. The naughty boy was given a failing grade in Science because he is late in submitting his project. 2. Answering questions in complete sentences should always be observed in any SD subject. 3. My favorite pastime, surfing the Internet, is enjoyable. 4. Have you finished reading the novel? 162 5. One of the major offenses a student should avoid is cheating during exams. D. Underline twice the infinitives in each sentence. 1. To sterilize the food that we will store is very important. 2. Schools gave me new ideas about the type of work I want to do. 3. But others believe that it is necessary to think of IST1in such mysterious ways. 4. He had no resource but to continue. 5. He stopped working to study this semester.​