Observe the environment and identify possible factors that may limit transcendence.You may also put yourself in the position of those who experience such limitations.Identify ways on how overcome those challenges.What do you think?Is transcendence always a good thing?Why?Why not​

Sagot :

It is all an illusion of temporary experience. there is nothing to identify, just simply detach from the idea that its real.

That is the purpose of the spiritual path.. to let go of being outwardly focused and realize that it is the self, the consciousness underneath materiality that is real and so controls the outward manifestation.

So the mind will inevitably wonder.. “we control the outward… to what degree?” and so enters the many imaginings, of the extent we would want to control it… and so we think of the various stories of walking on water, the powers of the gods and communication with higher beings.

Whether or not these are true, is irrelevant to one who has yet to gain control over himself. Because we will never attain the power that many think awaits them in a heaven or on some other plane of existence, if we can't even control our own fear and selfishness. Because the truth here is it's that, that IS the force behind all things termed “evil".

In truth there is no true evil, no satan, only ignorance and negatively focused minds, that conjures these things, subsequently giving up his/her power to overcome them through recognition of their own inequities and imbalances.

So how do we overcome..THEM?

First by detaching from the idea that you are the mind and body. And so enters.. Meditation, as this allows us the space to observe the mind more objectively, as we will see how the mind has its various inclinations and tendencies come up spontaneously.

Then as our practice advances we will see the illusory nature of mind and their various prompts, by simply not engaging with them. We feed our thoughts with the power of our consciousness, while if we let them simply fall away, we create a weakness in their cyclical or karmic momentum. As this progresses they eventually die out or become so feint we barely notice them.

The minds job IS.. to gather, organize and absorb information, as a servant of our consciousness, NOT to be who we are. This is the unfortunate mistake the majority of humanity has been living under for the past few millennia.

But we are all slowly realizing person by person, that we are not the mind and who we really are, is the consciousness beneath it all. And so it this momentum of learned unconscious behavior, of culture, religion and self identification, that this substitute identity has seen fit to incorporate.

As a result of this wrongly positioned focus we assumed erroneously that outside pleasure and acquisitions were a path to “gaining" the peace we all seek.

So we chase after the pleasure, and the power, and the status and the abundance and the…blah blah ad nauseam.. until eventually we get sick of it, thus seeing that there is no true satisfaction in them, and to believe so, ONLY leads to pain.

As we let go of the little self, that thinks things of a material nature are “the happiness”, we begin to raise our awareness to its actual source… the self, the soul, our God seed of consciousness.. that is where all joy, all love, all inspiration all creativity comes from as the infinite well of pure beingness.

So this letting go and subsequent seeking inwardly..is the spiritual path.