Directions: Write the word FACT if the statement is correct and BLUFF if the statement is incorrect. Write your answer on pace provided before each number.

1. Mike has blood type 0+. Mike is a Universal Recipient.
2. Mike has blood type O+. Mike can donate blood to anyone who is type AB+.
3. Mike has blood type 0+. Mike can receive blood from anyone who has Type A or Type B.
4. Someone with blood type A+ can receive blood from anyone who is type o.
5. Jim has blood type AB+. His dad could be type 0+.
6. Mike has blood type 0+. Mike has A, B, and Rh antibodies.
7. If a patient has blood type A+, they could receive blood from donors with a Blood Type 0.
8. If a patient has blood type B+, they could receive blood from donors with Blood Type AB.
9. Blood Type AB+ is known as universal recipient.
10. Blood type 0- is known as universal donor.​