1. Which of the following are the changes directly related to sexual reproduction? A. General Changes B. Physical Changes C. Primary Sex Characteristics D. Secondary Sex Characteristics 2. Which of the following statements best describes moral-spiritual change among adolescence? A. A person challenges the ways things are. B. Adolescents starts to identify herself/ himself to a group. C. A person explores new relationships and ideas from friends and others. D. Adolescents consistently struggle between what they know they should be doing and what they do. 3. Which of the following statements best describes mental change among adolescence? A. A person challenges the ways things are. B. Adjustments occur due to hormonal changes. C. Adolescents starts to identify herself/ himself to a group. D. A person explores new relationships and ideas from friends and others. 4. Which of the following statements best describes emotional change among adolescence? A. A person challenges the ways things are. B. Adolescents starts to identify herself/ himself to a group. C. A person explores new relationships and ideas from friends and others. D. Adolescents consistently struggle between what they know they should be doing and what they do. 5. Which of the following statements best describes social change among adolescence? A. A person challenges the ways things are. B. Adjustments occur due to hormonal changes. C. Adolescents starts to identify herself/ himself to a group. D. A person explores new relationships and ideas from friends and others.
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