Accomplish the Math Journal writing for week 8 THIS YOUR PERFORMANCE TASK 8 – USE BONDPAPER Complete the statement The easiest method for me to determine the quadratic function is using _______________ because___________________________ . SUPPLEMENTAL ACTIVITY- ASSESSMENT 8 USE YELLOW/INTERMEDIATE PAPER A. determine the quadratic function given the graph B. Find a quadratic function with zeros:1 and 4 show your solution C. determine the quadratic function whose table of values is below show your solution X -1 0. 1 Y 1. -3. 1
The easiest method for me to determine the quadratic function is using factoring is typically the fastest and easiest way of solving something when it's factorable because Oftentimes, we're dealing with a quadratic that is not factorable, so then factoring is not going to help us. So it's fast and easy when it's usable, but not always factorable, either.