How safe is your based on the self-check​

Sagot :



If you want to be good at collaborating – or anything, for that matter – you will need to perfect the skill of self-checking. Self-checking consists of regularly asking yourself the following questions about your performance – in this case, about your collaborative behavior.

Self-checking is not about regretting or harping on your own wrongdoings, and neither is it about self-congratulation. Good self-checking is a dispassionate process of identifying what you did well and what you could have done better. When you identify collaborative behaviors that you can do better, take the same approach with yourself that you would when training someone else: Set goals for yourself that are clear, challenging, and achievable. Then, the next time that you have the opportunity to interact with other professionals, try to meet those goals, and then repeat the self-check process, giving yourself honest feedback.


#Hope it helps

#Stay safe