SHEENCALEBGO SHEENCALEBGO Music Answered aleb D.R Mendoza SECTION VI-Roxas _score PARTI-MUSIC Direction: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank before each number. 1. What kind of time signatures are Quadruple (4/4), Triple (3/4) and Duple (2/4)? a. Compound time signature b. Simple time signature C. complex time signature d whole time C2. In simple time signature, what kind of note receives one beat? Whole note b. Half note © a. c.) Quarter note d. Sixteenth note 3. Which of the following note has the highest beat value? d a. b. d. c. O 4. In compound time signature like 6/8, what kind of note receives one beat? a. b. d d. c. O 5. What does the upper number in the time signature denotes? c. The number of lines per measure d. The number of beats per measure a. The number of notes per measure b. The number of rests per measure 6. What does the lower number in the time signature denotes? c. The kind of notes per measure d. The number of beats per measure. The kind of note that receives one beat b. The kind of rest used in the measure de Which of the rests has the same beat value as d? d. C. b. a. For items 8 to 11, refer to the following pictures. C: В : А