Direction: find the right answer on the choices. The words in the choices can be use multiple time

the choices:

*Stages of Decision-Making

*Alternative Evaluation

*Need/Problem Recognition

*Purchase Decision

*Information Search

*Post-purchase Evaluation

*Automated Information Systems

1. After purchase and actual use of the product, the consumer makes an evaluation whether he is satisfied with his purchase or not.__________

2. the person compares the product features and rates of the different options available.___________

3. A Customer usually buys a product because there is a need for it, or it provides a solution to a problem one has encountered.______________

4. This is the stage that is most awaited by sales agents. At this stage, the person buys the product/service.______________

5. In high involvement products such as travel products, stages in the buyer decision-making process are more defined and could easily be identified.__________

6. the costumer compares the product features and rates of the different options available._________

7. thorough review of the options available will help the person arrive at a good decision whether to purchase or to continue looking for alternatives.__________

8. In case he/she is satisfied, he/she can decide to purchase again or, better, to recommend that his friends buy too._________

9. Online platforms are good places to research and compare product types, availability, cost, and other pertinent information.___________

10. Prices are subject to change if booking has not been finalized.___________​