ELORRAINEMARIEGO ELORRAINEMARIEGO Math Answered 2.2424Week 1Topic: Changing Fractions to Decimal and Vice MoreInstruction: Express the fo lowing numbers to decin el or fractions. Show you:solution.x1., 147, 26x10"62/752.0.283atian7.3 1 1x al0.019. 1.8 1629- 5025.0 50.23% (1 Topic: Operatione huinx 106.757B.Instructionsolution.soo3. 0.018169., 35 * 10 = 35%204. 1.551.4.012 + 5.03 72. 102. 8701 - 343.23.03 x + (-36. (102.67 -10.5. 0.75