D 1. A subduction zone is formed A. When one tectonic plate sinks below another C. When two tectonic plates move away from each other B. At every type of convergent plate boundary D. At transform boundaries 2. What would you be most likely to find at a divergent boundary between two pieces of continental crust? A. Mid Ocean Ridge b. Rift Valley c. Mountain d. Island Arc 3. Oceanic plates separate from each other at a divergent plate boundary at the bottom of the ocean. Magma comes up and cools between the plates, forming... A. A fault B. A rift valley C. A mid-ocean ridge D. A trench 4. What are two common features found at convergent ocean-ocean plate boundaries? A. Volcanoes and islands C. Volcanic island arcs and deep ocean trenches B. Earthquakes and deep ocean trenches D. Volcanic islands arc and coral reefs 5. What is happening at X? Plate Soundarias A. Mid ocean ridge B. Transform Boundary Ocean Heer C. Subduction zone Cominent D. Sea floor spreading Ocean floor 8 Monte