Directions: Match Column A to Column B. Write your answer in the space provided.
Column A
1. Leg exercise
2. Leg conditioning
a. As important as the workload
Column B
b. Scare your friends and warm up your hamstrings at the same time with this move.
3. Warm-up
4. Grapevine
e. Strengthens two of the posterior chain's main muscles directly: your glutes and hamstrings. d. Trains your legs to work independently without fully
5. Wall squat
challenging your balance.
e. Exercises can target the thigh, hamstrings and the lower
6. Leg swing
7. Recovery
8. Glutes Bridge
9. Lunge
f. Workout
conditioning but also builds lower body strength and endurance. g. Increases blood flow to the muscles and loosens the
h. Prepares your legs for lateral movement and improves
1. Teaches you correct squat form without risking the
chance of injury from squatting heavy.
J. An excellent gentle leg warm-up exercise to encourage
range of motion in the hip joints, glutes, hip flexors. k. Basic exercise strengthens the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles
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