How to eat a banana?

Sagot :


1. Buy a ripe banana. for a banana that is yellow and lightly speckled with small brown or black spots. Some people prefer the firmer yellow-all-over stage; some prefer the softer, sweeter, stronger-flavored yellow-and-brownish stage.

• If the banana is not ripe, you can leave it on a warm counter for a day or two.

2. Peel the banana. Some people prefer to peel the entire thing and then eat it, while others peel as they go. There's many ways to peel a banana. If you have not peeled one before, you might find one of these methods easy:

• Peel the banana from the stem end. Snap back the stalk at the top of the fruit, then pull it downwards alongside the fruit. Pull the rest of the skin off in similar strips.

3. Remove the "strings." Bananas have fibrous strands between the skin and the fruit. These usually come off along with the peel, but sometimes they may stick to the fruit. Gently peel these off before eating the banana. They are not bad for you, but many people find them to have a bitter taste and odd texture.

4. eat the banana :D


hope it helps eat your banana well