WEEK 7 and 8 31. How will you arrange the rational numbers -3 2 1 1 A. 4 3 2 4 1 2 1 and -3 4 3 2 in ascending order? 2 1 3 C. 34' WINew 1 RIN 4 B. -3 D. 1 2 4 3 38 in increasing D. -4 B. v2, D. D. 3.85 x 103 -3 1 1 2 4 4 2 3 32. What will be the first when you arrange the following real numbers, -4, 5.8, order? A. V36 B. 5.8 C. 33. When you arrange 3, 12; 0,-1.65 in decreasing order the first in the list is A.O C. -1.65 34. Which of the following is the scientific notation of 0.00385? A. 3.85 x 10-1 B. 3.85 x 10-2 C. 3.85 x 10-3 35. What is 3.265 x 105 in standard notation? A. 32.65 B. 326.5 C. 3265 36. What is the scientific notation of 24800? A. 24.8 x 103 B. 2.48 x 104 C. 248 x 10-3 37. What is 42.18 x 10-3 in decimal? A. 0.04218 B. 0.004218 C. 0.4218 38. How do you express 49 000 000 in scientific notation? A. 4.9 x 106 B. 4.9 x 107 C. 4.9 x 105 39. How do you write 5.8 x 104 in decimal form? A. 580 000 B. 58 000 C. 580 40. How will you express 1.23 x 10 -3 in decimal form? A. 0.001 23 B. 0.0123 C. 0.000 123 D. 326500 D. 2.48 x 104 D. 0.0004218 D. 4.9 x 108 D.5 800 D. 0.001 23​