What's New Directions: Go to your kitchen and check the possible hazards you can find List down at least 5 hazards and write its effect on the opposite column. Follow the table below. Write your answer in your TLE notebook Hazards Elects 3​

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In an area with constant sink usage and cooking of liquids and oil, the floor is going to get slippery. Regular mopping and anti-slip mats are the best way to prevent falls. Slip-resistant shoes are also recommended.


Easily one of the most common injuries in a kitchen, burns are painful and sometimes require serious medical attention. Always place pan and pot handles away from burners, and assume that every surface hot to the touch to help avoid injury. Areas that people don’t always expect to get burned from include the dishwasher. Especially in a restaurant kitchen, dishwashers can produce an enormous amount of steam that’ll burn just as badly as an open flame.


If you’ve ever dropped a glass or had a glass pan shatter after being left on top of a stove, you know that small glass fragments go everywhere. You must be very diligent when cleaning up the glass and if there’s any open food, it must be discarded. Broken glass can find its way onto the floor, into food and onto other dishes. Handle glass with care, as it can lead to a horrible situation if it’s ingested.


A chef’s primary tool is their knife, and even the most skilled will sometimes cut themselves, properly sharpen knives as a dull knife can slip instead of properly cutting a piece of meat or vegetables. This can create a harsh wound in your hand. Knives aren’t the only kitchen tools that can cause cuts. You can suffer injuries from aluminum cans and cleaning complex appliances.


Kitchen gadgets are awesome, and appliances like stand mixers can make life a lot easier, but be very careful with how many items you’ve got plugged in at a time. Having a microwave, mixer, coffee maker and instant pot all going at once is a recipe for an electrical fire. If you have old outlets in your kitchen, consider having them replaced with newer circuits that have safety mechanisms built-in. It’s an investment that can seriously pay off in the future.

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