Pa answer po ng maayos kailangan ko na bukas ..

What’s More Self-Check Direction. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.
1. High mortality rate of hogs is due to poor sanitation.
2.One cause of feed shortage is the lack of feed technologists
3. Poor marketing system is a problem in swine raising
4 .Poor nutrition can cause outbreak of diseases
5. Constructing buildings at ground level can solve problem of drainage.
6.The best topography for a piggery project is flat land.
7. To avoid the problem of relocation, the raiser must consider the zoning regulations.
8.Credit facilities are institution that extends information on swine raising. 9.The peace and order situation contributes to the problem of swine industry.
10. Piglets are weaned if they reached 60 days old. ​