1. Cite at least two events from your life that you experienced social inequality. Describe how these occurred. 2. From these experienced, take time to analyze these experiences and how does each event tell in relation to poverty, wealth, inequality, or privilege. 3. Reflect on what you have learned from examining your social class in your life. 4. Suggest solutions to the experience you shared and how it can be avoided. 5. Is there something that the government can do to help you with the problems you and your social class are now facing especially during this time of pandemic?​

Sagot :



1. Cite at least two events from your life that you experienced social inequality. Describe how these occurred.  

Not my personal experience, but my parents. My father works in a foreign company that hires both local and foreign workers. The social inequality here is that foreigners are paid more in our own country than the local ones even if they produce the same type of work. I recognize that foreigners should be paid more because of legalities but it is too much.  

2. From these experience, take time to analyze these experiences and how does each event tell in relation to poverty, wealth, inequality, or privilege.  

These experiences are racial inequality and neo-colonialism. In our country, foreigners are favored more. Thus, the answer for solving poverty and wealth inequality never seem to end.  

3. Reflect on what you have learned from examining your social class in your life.  

I have learned that social stratifications are very harmful. Even if there is a social mobility, people from the bottom are prevented to go up. There are a lot of cases of discrimination. Also, the elites presents poverty as the problem of the individuals and of society.  

4. Suggest solutions to the experience you shared and how it can be avoided.  

The reasons why the best people in the country move out and be of use to other countries are because of this maltreatment. They should treat workers better.  

5. Is there something that the government can do to help you with the problems you and your social class are now facing especially during this time of pandemic?

The government should provide a safety net and a livable minimum wage.  




1.  Cite at least two events from your life that you experienced social inequality. Describe how these occurred.

  • Not being admitted right away in a private hospital if there is no down payment.
  • Not being invited to a grand wedding event of my relative.

2.  From these experiences, take time to analyze these experiences and how does each event tells in relation to poverty, wealth, inequality, or privilege.

  • This means that if you don't have the money, then you will not get the best medical treatment that you would like to have.
  • That if you don't belong to their level, then you are not part of their lives.

3. Reflect on what you have learned from examining your social class in your life.

  • That social class is still in effect up to these days and that no matter what you will do, everyone has their own label.

4. Suggest solutions to the experience you shared and how it can be avoided.

  • Be contented on what you are, be yourself and never mind what other people say. Work hard and stay humble.

5. Is there something that the government can do to help you with the problems you and your social class are now facing especially during this time of pandemic?

  • I think just equal distribution of assistance and empower government hospitals even more.

