Study each picture below. Write the processes/ methods used to preserve it. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper. 1. papaya 2. mango 3. pineapple 4. eggs 5. shrimp 6. milkfish 7. okra 8. santol 9. cucumber 10. meat

1. Ripe papaya should be refrigerated to slow down the ripening process; whole fruit should keep in a plastic bag for about a week. To freeze, pack cut papaya in rigid containers or heavy-duty plastic freezer bags. Cover with a 30 percent sugar solution (4 cups water to 2 cups sugar) and freeze for up to 10 months.
2.Cut them into cubes of required size. Spread them on a tray such that the cubes do not stick to each other. Place the tray in the freezer and freeze for 3-4 hours. Once frozen, gather them all and gently place frozen mango cubes in a ziplock bag and store in the freezer.
3. Pineapple
Eat the pineapple inside the jar right away.
Refrigerate the jar and eat the pineapple within 3 days.
Pour the pineapple into a freezer-safe container and freeze it for up to 3 months.
Repeat the canning process immediately.
Discard the pineapple.
4. Wrap them in individual portions in freezer paper, and then in a plastic freezer bag or another plastic container. These egg packages will last 12 months in the freezer. You can store them in individual serving sizes in your refrigerator and they will last for one month.
5. the shrimp fresh, mix them with ice and store in the refrigerator. Uncooked shrimp should not be kept on ice in the refrigerator for more than 3 to 4 days. To freeze shrimp in zip-top freezer bags: Place 1 pound of shrimp in a 1-quart zip- top freezer bag.
6.Dried milkfish maybe stored at room temperature or at refrigerated temperature (5 to 7ºC). Refrigeration temperature is recommended for longer storage. When stored at room temperature, it is recommended that the plastic packaging material used be perforated.
7.Refrigerate unwashed, dry okra pods in the vegetable crisper, loosely wrapped in perforated plastic bags. Wet pods will quickly mold and become slimy. Okra will keep for only two or three days. When ridges and tips of pods turn dark, it needs to be used immediately
8. Santol
How to make santol preserve (Option #2):
Blanch santol for 10 minutes and peel.
Cut into halves and remove the seeds. Soak pulp in water for 2 or 3 days, changing the water everyday.
Blanch for 5 minutes. Drain and chop finely. ...
Cook to jam consistency. ...
Sterilize bottles for 25 minutes in boiling water.
9.wrap each cucumber in aluminum foil to stop moisture accumulation and keep them in an open, plastic bag. Store cucumbers in the middle of the fridge rather than the bottom because it tends to be colder at the bottom.
10.Place pieces of meat in air-tight storage jars (or plastic storage bags), making sure to fully cover the meat with salt. Alternate layers of meat and salt to ensure all parts of the meat are covered in salt. Keep the jars/bags in a cool place (36-40 degrees Fahrenheit) for a month. Do not allow to freeze.