1. Primary source will be the ultimate bridge between the past and the ___. a.Context b. contently analysis c. past

__ 2. The focus of Readings in the Philippines History is to develop Historiography ___.
a. Strategies b. themes c. skills __

3. This reading is crafted to provide strategy through ____ sources. a.Training b. knowledge c. primary

__ 4. The commission on Higher Education Approved the New General Education ( ____) Trigraph.
a. Old GE b. New GE c. GE

__ 5. Definition, Issues, Sources and Methodology is a general approval of history as a ___.
a.Theory b. primary source c.discipline

__ 6. The primary sources are used to evaluate the ___ method in history.

a.Methodology b. theoretical c.Historiography

__ 7. The people responsible of the study of the past are otherwise called ___.
a. Author b. journalist c. historians

__ 8. History was derived from the ___ word Historia, which means knowledge acquired through inquiry.
a. Romans b. Latin c. Greek

__ 9. Questions and Issues in History can be answered in simple historiography as in the ___ and perspective.
a.Past history b. Events c. Theory

__ 10. There is a complex and ___ history as a discipline.
a. academic b. inquiry c. dynamic ​