Activity Number 2. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct, otherwise, write False.

1. Political Organizations are created to maintain social order.

2. Political systems are either centralized or uncentralized.

3. Authority is not a crucial element in a political system.

4. Authority is characterized as traditional, charismatic, rational, and even by state actors.

5. We can be leaders; by virtue, and by right.

6. In uncentralized political systems, power and resources are distributed equally its members.

7. It was through centralized societies that equality was first practiced. 8. A rational leader emphasizes calculability and focuses on efficiency.

9. A charismatic leader's authority emanates from ascribed status.

10. Authority is perceived as coercive rather than legitimate.

Activity Number 3. Poster Making. Create your own unique, creative and powerful poster with its advocacy "Education as a Basic Human Right". Have this activity in a long sheet of bond paper.​