1. plant= SEED ,
observation= as this packet to make observation of the growth of a seed into a plant as well as their classroom hobitat.
type of observation= Seeds must be given the right balance of water, sunlight, air, and nutrients.
2. plant= snake plant
observation= They placed the plants close to the entrance within their home for the purpose of enabling the eight virtues to enter according to pre-Feng-Shui.
types of observation= The snake plant or Sansevieria pronounced (san-se-vi-ee’-ri-ah) a member of the Lily Family, popularly goes by other common names. The very “politically correct” Mother-in-Law’s tongue and Bowstring-hemp.
3. plant= monstera
observation= Adaptable to almost all light conditions, and somewhat drought tolerant, the Monstera is a low maintenance, stunning tropical plant.
types of observation= Monstera Deliciosa. This is the most popular of the Monstera plants, known for its large holey leaves that resemble slits. ..