Draw or design your own blouse or polo according to the principles of design and color theory we have just discussed. color your work.

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Elements and principles of design in Dressmaking


2. ART AND DESIGN •Is the application of skill and taste that make a thing beautiful.

3. - Clothes are worn to emphasize the good points and hide the defects or imperfection of our physical trait.

4. Principles of Design Good outfit should have proportion, balance, harmony, emphasis and rhythm to express art principles

5. 1. Proportion •In design involves the relationship of one part to another. Uneven space relationships are more interesting than even ones.

6. In choosing accessories, proportion should always be considered. For example, a woman with large facial features would not choose a small bag or a small hat which will make her feature even larger, or vice-versa.

7. 2. Balance •is the feeling of rest and equilibrium. This is essential to the total design of a costume.

8. Kinds of balance 1. Formal or Symmetrical Balance •Is achieved when two sides of a design are alike on either side of its vertical center. Balance in the use of color is essential for a pleasing effect.

9. 2. Informal balance or Asymmetrical Balance is achieved by using space, color, and the varying importance of objects to produce a feeling of rest.

10. 3. 3. Radial Balance When major parts of the garment design radiate from the central part of the garment, creating a sunburst.

11. 3. Harmony •is the pleasing combination of hues, values, and intensities.

12. 4. Emphasis •means that one part of a design must be more important than the other parts. The eye should go first to this part.

13. 5. Rhythm • is the movement of the eye from one part of the design to other parts. Repetition of a line or shape is one of the most common ways of attaining rhythm.

14. Rhythm could be depicted to: A. Repetition- Rhythm could be achieved by repetition or regular recurrence of motifs of design, shapes, buttons, tucks, pleats, laces, edgings, color, textures, fabric designs etc.

15. b. Progression - Rhythm is also created by progression or by gradation. Gradation implies a gradual increase or decrease of similar design elements.

16. c. Transition Is a fluid rhythm created when a curved line leads the eye over an angle
