What I Can Do Congratulations! You are fantastic and really enjoyed your exploration in the world of chemistry. Here is your final challenge to prove what you got.

1. Why do health practitioners recommend us to use 70% alcohol than 40% alcohol as disinfectant to fight the pandemic COVID- 19?

2. Why is it that food manufacturer places the Nutritional Label on the container of every bit of processed food sold by the grocery store?

please do the solution​

Sagot :

1. Why do health practitioners recommend us to use 70% alcohol than 40% alcohol as disinfectant to fight the pandemic COVID- 19?

  • 70% alcohol kills microorganisms, bacteria and COVID - 19 Virus and it is used to disinfect some equipments.

2. Why is it that food manufacturer places the Nutritional Label on the container of every bit of processed food sold by the grocery store?

  • Food manufacturers place the nutritional label on the container of every bit of processed food sold by the grocery store because they need to show the customers what ingredients these products are made of.


  • In the Philippines, the government requires all manufacturers to put the nutritional label on the front or back side of the product. This will help the consumers identify which product they would choose depending on the ingredients.

  • For example, a mother who has a daughter that is allergic to peanuts can easily check the label if there are any traces of peanuts on the product. This step will ensure the safety of the consumers.

Read more about the types of consuming on - brainly.ph/question/6926799