Noting Details of Various Text Types. Directions: Read the story "Mang Ramon". * Mang RaMon Freydiny, problem an old daty man care a sack along the reversicherton, Richard Randera thought that the old man was a kidnapper Theur grandparents used to make the pavoga oy story about a man abducting a child who does not stop in the afternoon The thought that was Mang Ramon So, they butted and throw stones at the old man One day Ronn asked Raad Ratool and Rebecca to follow Mang Ramon along the riverside They planned to be like superheroes and hoht Mang Ramon using the singshots and bats Slow they owed the old man They saw him scavenging They thought that it was just his props But the manae planted swamp cabbages and taros along the river They wont home for it's getting darke The old man was nowhere to be found for a wook They noticed some nubbishes along the live They learned that Mang Ramon was aushed to the hospital The children decided to get a sack an pick the plastic wrappers bottles tan cans and other waste materals. They convinced the playmate and guardans to help them clean and continue the advocacy of Mang Ramon. After a week they sa Mang Ramon agan receiving the award coming from the mayor They were happy to see Mar Ramon Dealthy and alive These four children asked forgiveness from the old man​