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2.The inorganic compound barium chloride has the formula BaCl2. It is one of the most common barium salts that is soluble in water. As with other barium salts, it is toxic and gives a flame a yellow-green hue.
3.Glucose's chemical formula is C6H12O6, which means it contains six carbon atoms, twelve hydrogen atoms, and six oxygen atoms. You will be constructing a specific type of sugar known as glucose.
4.Chemical Reaction Type: This is a combination reaction. Balancing Techniques: MgO and H2O combine in this reaction to form magnesium hydroxide. That is why the reaction is referred to as a combination reaction.
5.All known isotopes of thorium are unstable. The most stable isotope, 232Th, has a half-life of 14.05 billion years, or approximately the age of the universe; it decays very slowly via alpha decay, initiating the thorium series.
6.the chemical element with the atomic number 74, a transition series metal with a hard steel-gray appearance. It has a very high melting point (3410°C) and is used to manufacture filaments for electric lights.
7.Each of the 118 known elements has a unique chemical symbol one or two letters that proudly represent the element's name from its periodic table box. Several of these abbreviations are self-evident, for example, H for hydrogen and C for carbon.
8.Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, constructed the structure for the modern periodic table in 1869, but he left gaps for yet-to-be-discovered elements.
9.Copper is a ductile, malleable metal that is an excellent conductor of heat and electricity. Copper was the first metal that humans worked with and is still one of the most often used metals today.
10.Ammonia is a colorless gas that emits a pungent stench. This stench is well-known to many people due to the fact that ammonia is a component of smelling salts, a variety of household and industrial cleaners, and window cleaning solutions. Ammonia gas is soluble in water. This is referred to as liquid ammonia or aqueous ammonia.