Directions: Read and analyze each item carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before the number.
____1. What other coating ingredients will you use in the absence of flour in cooking fried chicken? A. bread crumbs B. butter C. honey D. sugar

____2. What is the primary purpose of corn starch in sauce preparation
A. thickens flavor C. thickens sourness B. thickens sauces
D. thickens sweetness

____3. Why do most recipes prefer unsalted butter in food preparation?
A. to control the amount of salt C. unsalted butter is fresher
B. to control the amount of spicy D. unsalted butter is delicious

____4. What is the purpose of baking powder in a recipe?
A. adds fluffiness. C. dough riser
B. aids in browning D. thickens bread.

____5. What will you use if there is no available sour cream?
A. cream with ketchup C. cream with lemon
B. cream with honey D. cream with sugar

____6 If there is no available cooking oil, what other ingredients will you use as substitute?
A. melted butter B.melted garlic C. melted honey D. melted sugar