Are the new scientific inventions take world towards rapid environmental destruction? why?

Sagot :


I believe the opposite.


I believe the opposite. Human innovation has been constantly increasing the the well-being of more and more people on earth. The ratio quality of live Vs. impact on the planet is definitely in favour of technology. For instance a century ago, industry and agriculture were yielding poor results for the damages produced (think soot, polluted rivers, diseases and so on). Virtually everywhere in the world people live better today than their parents', grand parents and so on. We have little idea how our ancestors even at the 19th century were actually living. Now, the real issue is the size of the population of course. In 1900 we were 2 b., we are now 8 bilions ! So of course the impact is far greater. The good news? The curve is slowing down and if projections talk of 10 b people in a few decades, it won't grow much more. Together, lots of great ideas to keep increasing human's life can be found. All the best, thank you for launching this discussion!