Write a critique or analysis about the story How Odin Lost His Eye, or Orpheus. (Or

any other story from your lower years that you are familiar with)

You can use the questions in the second column as your guide in writing the critique.

Title How can you connect the title to

the story?

Meaning What is the meaning or the big

idea embedded in the story?

Literary Elements Can you imagine the world

through the details given in the

story? Are there twists in the


Use of Quotations Describe the traits of the main

character based on his dialogues

in the story.

Is he proud/regretful/sad/happy

person based on his dialogues in

the story?

Evaluation Is there any part of the story that

happens in real life?

Conclusion What have you learned from the


Do the actions of the major

character happen in real life?


Write A Critique Or Analysis About The Story How Odin Lost His Eye Or Orpheus Or Any Other Story From Your Lower Years That You Are Familiar WithYou Can Use The class=