5. It was generally a man's world during the Old English period; thus, women were treated this way, except one. Choose that which does not apply.

A. They were deemed important in the realm of domestic duties.

B. They were "marriageable commodities, looked upon to perpetuate the tribe.

C. They were deemed important to the Old English society because they were active in activities pertaining to war.

D. They were there to serve the needs of men and their husbands.

6. It was this brought individual who in new concepts of culture, knowledge, and religion to the barbaric and primitive world of the Anglo-Saxons.

A. priest
B. warrior
C. thane
D. King

7. This was the societal setup in the Old English period wherein the churl was obligated to serve and work for an earl for most of his lifetime, the lord, in turn, was responsible for the churl's food, protection, and shelter.

a. feudalisan
b. communal living
c. socialism
d. kibbutz setup

8.The justice system prevalent during the Old English period hinges on this belief:

a. Love your neighbor as you love God.

b. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

c. When someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the left one.

d. Might is the right kind of ideology for all.

9.In the narrative "Canterbury Tales," the knight was the first one to narrate. his story for this reason:

a. He was the oldest among the group of pilgrims, and it was a practice then to defer to the eiders.

b. He got the lowest number in the drawing of lots.

c. He was the most important sector during the Medieval period.

d. He was so sleepy during the story-telling, that he volunteered to go first.

10. This is one element present in the verses and narratives of the Middle English period, which is visibly absent in the Old English literature.

a. humor
b. adventure
c. religion
d. tragedy