Put check ( / ) if it is a type of commercial arts and cross out ( X) if it is not.
1. Entertainment is used in movie advertisements. _____
2. Promotion and advertising, paintings, illustrations, photographs – created for promotions and advertising. _____
3. Game art creates the design of characters and environments for games. _____
4. Fashion Design is used to fit requirements such as to meet demand for a current trend. _____
5. Communication serves as graphic designs that communication information such as signs. _____
6. Environments is used in commercial environments that resemble installation art such as a display window. _____
7. Packaging design is used in the packaging of products. _____
8. Ornamental art is used in architecture. _____
9. Decorative arts is used to decorate products and interiors. _____
10. Visual Branding is used for visual branding such as logos or a brand mascot. _____