II. Underline the correct conjunction to complete the sentence. 6. (After, Although, Before, Even if the basement flooded, we spent all day cleaning up. 7. I don't want to go to the movies (although, because whenever, so that) I hate the smell of the popcorn. 8. I paid Larry (whenever, whose, after, if) garden design work is top-notch. 9. (Because, Until , Although, Now that) summer arrives, we have to be prepared for more water supply. 10. (Because, Where, When, Although the doorbell rang, my dog Skippy barked loudly. III. Complete the sentence using the conjunctions inside the speech balloon. 11. I'll give you my phone number you need to contact me. No matter how 12. Keep praising the Lord bad your situation is. Wherever I know; he has always been honest. In case 14. You can sit As far as 15. He hurried to his parents he received the letter. As soon as 13. you like..