21. Bernadetie plecariously climbed ihe highesi mountain in the country. A. gracefully B. lazily B. plays C. taken A. shyly DA so C. dangerously D. hopefully 22. I used to visit Nami Island in South Korea to see the falling colorful dried foliage. A. hurricane C. snow D. leaves 23. Two tickeis were aiioiled io each siudeni for ine dunce pariy. A, allowed B.joyful D. fed 24. The mood was somber at the memorial of the fallen medical frontliners. B. serious C. hungry D. plenty 25. Tagayiay City is known for wonderful picturesque of the majestic viouni Taal. A. charming B. running C. ruined D. perhaps 26. The student was asked to clarify his answers for everybody to understand is point. A remove B. call C. eaplain D. stop 27. Reicon's parents admonished him for breaking their antique collection, A. praised B. scolded C. rewarded D. silenced 10.! am an advocate of anti-corruption movement in the country. A. opponent B. primer C. enemy D. supporter 28. The hotel abolishes its rice-all-you-can policy to avoid wastage of food. A. continues b. removes c. revises d. proposes 29. The couniry has a very iropicai ciimaie where ii oniy nas dry and wei seasons simiiar to other countries in Southeast Asia. a. humid b. cold c. comfortable d. normal 30. The obsolete books and other references in the library resulted to their removal in the shelves and inventory. b. old c. outdated d. collected file created by theteacherscraft2020 a. new​

Sagot :

```ʜɪ ʟᴇᴛ ᴍᴇ ʜᴇʟᴘ ʏᴏᴜ ᴛʜᴇʀᴇ (◔‿◔) !



21. ✏️C. dangerously


22. ✏️D. leaves


23. ✏️A. allowed


24. ✏️B. serious


25. ✏️A. charming


26. ✏️C. explain


27. ✏️B. scolded


28. ✏️b. removes


29. ✏️a. humid


30. ✏️ b. old




[tex]\large\red{\boxed{\tt{\colorbox{black} {Queendeathhell}}}}[/tex]