5 factors affecting the ability of a planet in supporting life

Sagot :

There are many planets in the entire universe, but as far as we know, there is only a handful which could possibly support life. Space scientists and astronomers continuously scour the vastness of space for finding signs of life elsewhere in the solar system and even outside of it. Now, taking one celestial body at a time and devoting all your time and resources to ascertain whether it supports life would be too imprudent and wasteful. That’s why, astronomers look for certain pointers in a celestial body, and then determine if it has the potential to support life, or in other words, whether it’s habitable.

So, what are the requirements for a planet to support life?

What Are the Factors that Make the Planet Habitable?

  • It has to be a comfortable distance away from a star (Habitable Zone)
  • The stars around it have to be ‘stable’.
  • It should not have a very low mass.
  • It must rotate on its axis and revolve.
  • It should have a molten core.
  • It should hold an atmosphere.

In the recent years, there has been a great deal of talk about finding liquid water on Mars and the possibility of life existing on the Red Planet. All this coverage has resulted in a lot of questions being raised for people always staring out into space, including a few interesting ones. For example, is the existence of water the only condition that needs to be present on a planet in order to host life.
