Assessment Post Test Multiple Choice. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It is a method that involves cooking the food where heat is conducted without moisture a. combination method b. dry heat method c. mixed method d. moist heat method
2. To cook food using an oven where the heat is transferred through radiation, conduction and convection a. baking b. braising c. broiling d. sautéing
3. It is a method that involves the two cooking processes which include braising and stewing a. combination method b. dry heat method c. mixed method d. moist heat method
4. It is an a la minute technique. Foods are cooked in a combination of steam and simmering liquid a. broiling b. parboiling c. pressure cooking d. shallow poaching
5. To cook food item partially and briefly in boiling liquid after which the food is quickly immersed in cold water to stop further heating. a. blanching b. boiling o enpapillote d. parboiling
6. A preliminary cooking method applied to vegetables as well as meat. a. parboiling b. poaching C. pressure cooking d. simmering
7. To cook food in an even lower temperature at 71 to 81°C. a. blanching b. boiling c. enpapillote d. poaching​