TEST 1. Identify what kind of TARGET GAME is being describe in Column A. Choose the answer from Column B. Write the letter of the correct answer. A B _____ 1. Each player located before the toe line a. Kickball will try to hit the bottle caps out of the square without leaving the “pamato” inside the square. _____ 2. Players climb greased bamboo poles and aim to b. Tumbang Preso be the first one to get the prize at the top of the bamboo pole. _____ 3. It is a game with two c. Palo Sebo teams. The players throw balls at the opposing team. _____ 4. the player kick the ball, while being careful that d. Tatsing the opponent will not score. _____ 5. Each player is e. Batuhang Bola provided with a large throw away object called “pamato”. It is usually a slipper or a shoe