Adjective C. Hyperbole
D. Litotes
Directions: Choose your answer inside the box then write the letter on the space provided.
A. Metaphor
B. Figurative
C. Literal
D. Verb
E. Adjectives
16. That man is an ogre.
17. I'm so hungry, I could eat a horse.
18. She is as fast as a cheetah!
19. That cat is a clown; it makes us laugh all the time.
20.He was late to dinner.
21.The dancer will attempt a daring leap
22. The kettle whistled instantly.
23. We elected a competent, enthusiastic official.
UL. Directions. Write to

Adjective C HyperboleD LitotesII FILLINTHEBLANKDirections Choose Your Answer Inside The Box Then Write The Letter On The Space ProvidedA MetaphorB FigurativeC L class=